%% TEMPLATE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AstroPAH NEWSLETTER %% %% ** PAPER ** %% %% Fill this template an mail to: astropah@strw.leidenuniv.nl %% Use the same email to send questions or report problems %% %% Our website is: http://astropah-news.strw.leidenuniv.nl %% %% Obs: Here we included some LaTeX commands, but do not worry about that. %% Just fill between the curled brackets as indicated in the examples. %============================================ \papertitle{Insert the Title of Your Paper Here} %============================================ % Authors List % % Use \AbsAuthor{Author}{institution number} % % Add as many \AbsAuthor as needed, one author per line \AbsAuthor{Albert Einstein}{1}, \AbsAuthor{Isaac Newton}{2}, \AbsAuthor{Hendrik Lorentz}{1,2} %============================================ % Do not edit the line below \vspace{0.2cm} %============================================ % Affiliations % Full addresses are not needed. % City and Country are enough. % Use \AbsAffil{institution number}{Affiliation} % add as many \ AbsAffil as needed, one affiliations % per line \AbsAffil{1}{Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, University of Country, City, Country} \AbsAffil{2}{Department of Physics, Institute of Astronomy, Physics and Chemistry, City University, City, Country} %============================================ % Do not edit the line below \normalsize %============================================ {Place your abstract here. You may write in plain text. There is no need to use any LaTeX commands} %============================================ % Include an email for contact for at least % one of the authors \AbsEmail{name@email.com} %============================================ % Place the paper reference here % (include NAME OF THE JOURNAL, VOLUME PAGE, YEAR) \AbsReference{The Astrophysical Journal, \textbf{123}:000 (2021)} %============================================ % Place here the link to your paper % The link can be in the Journal website, % the DOI link, or in a preprint repository % (as ArXiv, etc...). You can add multiple % links. \AbsLink{http://astropah-news.strw.leidenuniv.nl/} \AbsLink{http://astropah-news.strw.leidenuniv.nl/AstroPAH_0064.pdf} %============================================