%% TEMPLATE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AstroPAH NEWSLETTER %% %% ** MEETINGS ** %% %% Fill this template an mail to: astropah@strw.leidenuniv.nl %% Use the same email to send questions or report problems %% %% Our website is: http://astropah-news.strw.leidenuniv.nl %% %% Obs: Here we included some LaTeX commands, but do not worry about that. %% Just fill between the curled brackets as indicated in the examples. %% % ================================================= % Meeting Title \meetingtitle{Insert the Title of the Meeting} % ================================================= % Subtitle, if needed \meetingsubtitle{This is a Subtitle} % ================================================= % Place and Date % If a line break is needed, use a new command % with the new line. Double bars will not work. \meetingplaceanddate{Place, Country} \meetingplaceanddate{10--15 September, 2023} % ================================================= % Website \meetingweb{https://www.thesiteofyourconference.com} % ================================================= % Do not edit the line below \vspace{1.0cm} % ================================================= Add the text here. Please keep to 1-2 pages only. Figures are allowed. Remember to add important deadlines. % ================================================= % Add one email for contact \MeetingEmail{nome@email.com} % =================================================